keskiviikko 27. toukokuuta 2009

The end of another school year and, the beginning of a great summer!

What would be a post without the antics of our cats, eh?

MacGyver is renowned for finding the most uncomfortable places to sleep in (or freshly washed and folded laundry clothes) and making it his own. Every once in a while, we just have to get it on camera to prove its true.
Slippers, on the other hand, is renowned for looking for the most comfortable places, in the most hidden areas of the house, and sleeping with one eye open....just in case someone makes a sound.

We couldn't find her, so you will just have to believe us.

'I can't believe I ate the whole bag.....'

Julia has finished elementary school. She graduated from the 6th grade.... on to the 7th. It was wonderful to see her perform at the kevät juhla ( the closing ceremonies) with her dance club and, to hear her sing the closing song. Though she sang with the entire graduating class, her voice was heard loud and clear above the rest. We were all able to attend, even Jan, who chose not to go to soccer practice, just to be there. Julia is a very special young lady, with many special gifts. Good job, Julia!

Teemu has finished grade 1! He has come a long way, this little fellow, and has learned many new things. Teemu is so happy with himself, that the first year went so well! On to grade small step for Pitskun giant step for Teemu!

tiistai 12. toukokuuta 2009

Kissat ja muut eläimet

Jan, Teemu ja Julia
Mac Gyver heräsi juuri päiväunilta olohuoneen lattialta ja oli menossa ruokakupille.Slippers loikoilee aulan maton päällä ja odottelee, kunnes joku lapsista ottaa sen mukaan nukkumaan.

lauantai 9. toukokuuta 2009

Spring in Siuntio is amazing!

A nice time of visiting, eating,

chilling out....

doing what we do best!

Recycled Arts and Gardening

I love my toilet flowers, don't you?

Joshua's loves balloons..

so much, he wears them now.

Teemu's 9th birthday parties!

Time flies, eh? Teemu had a wonderful time at his birthday parties. The first one with his family and...

and then with his friends!

Kitchen siblings

We have been trying to upload pictures onto our advertisement for, the Home for Exchange website. We didn't use this one. Heheheh.....

Spring is here!

The trampoline has been one of the favorite attractions of our backyard.

The trampoline died

It has been used so much, it gave up the ghost. Siis, it died. Vaari will be fixing it soon, welding it and all that....Gramma will be buying a new one.

perjantai 8. toukokuuta 2009


Uusi blogi on nyt avattu. Tässä on suuri perheemme ja muut apinat!

Our new blog is finally open! We will be posting new pictures, news and such about what is going on ;-)